Arjun Rai Tiwari


Arjun Rai Tiwari is a 13-year-old writer from India. Developing a flair for literature at the age of nine, Arjun spent his childhood writing countless poems and essays. Arjun drew inspiration from various writers and their works.  An avid reader of Shakespeare and Keats, Arjun spends his days engrossed in books and poetry. Writing eventually became a lifelong passion for Arjun. At the age of 11, he began writing ‘Hammond Chronicles’, his first published work. Arjun published his novel Hammond Chronicles at the age of 13.Read More...


Hammond Chronicles

Books by Arjun Rai Tiwari

The brilliant physicist Charles Hammond lived an isolated life in a quaint apartment in Central London. Once a globally renowned genius, Hammond drowned in his melancholy and was forgotten by the entire world. Hammond’s worst fears come true when he faces an unexpected eviction. Forced to emerge from the mists of solitude, Hammond embarks on a mission to retrieve his lost glory and pursue his lifelong dream…

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