Ashesh Minj is a 25-year-old from Ranchi -The City of Waterfalls. He is proud to call himself a Xaverian, and whatever Xavier has taught and given him, he is going to cherish and treasure them forever. He wrote his first poem "A Tourist's Heaven", for his school's annual magazine. Later in life, he started writing poems about his relationship, his personal experiences and his view about the society when he was pursuing his bachelors. The relationship and the struggle that he has faced in his life to achieve his aspiration inspires him to write poetry. His parents, Mr. Nabin K. Minj and Mrs. ArRead More...


In the Realm of Life


Do you want to know what the meaning of relationship is?

And I tell you, it’s not as easy as you can catch a fish.

Do you want to experience life’s roller coaster?

That at times makes you weary and angry like a rooster.

Do you want to know what the life is all about?

And what your life, from you, expects and shouts?

So, come along and let’s unlock the treasure for which in life we strive, from the poet’s experience,

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