B.N. Kumar (BNK for friends) is a seasoned media professional with over 45 years of experience in Journalism & Public Relations. He is based in Mumbai and currently runs a not-for-profit platform called NatConnect Foundation, that focuses on preserving the environment. He is known for his thought-provoking messaging through his 'art'icles.Read More...


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Politricks in India

Books by BNK

‘Politricks’ columns represent a new genre of writing that exposes how public policy-making falls short of serving public good by mixing politics with policy.  

- S Narendra -Former Government Of India Spokesperson & Information Adviser to four PMs

Opposition parties are definitely required in a democracy. But the ruling parties at the Centre never understand it. This necessitates the media to play the role of constructive criticism. To writ

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Politricks in India

Books by BNK

‘Politricks’ columns represent a new genre of writing that exposes how public policy-making falls short of serving public good by mixing politics with policy.  

- S Narendra -Former Government Of India Spokesperson & Information Adviser to four PMs

Opposition parties are definitely required in a democracy. But the ruling parties at the Centre never understand it. This necessitates the media to play the role of constructive criticism. To writ

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