

I Bazila Bilal, author of the book "Delusional Blues" feel immense proud in calling myself a poetess from the "ryesh vear".I am an amateur and currently I'm pursuing my dual degrees; bachelors is arts and honors in psychology from my hometown in Kashmir. I got my book published back in 2018 and I am looking forward to pursue my career in literature. About writing poems, I personally beleive that a real poem is not the one that a person choses to write willingly after selecting a suitable  title. Instead, what I feel is that each poem choses its poet.Poetry is irresistible.Someone has comparedRead More...


Delusional Blues

Books by Bazila

Ever wondered of life speaking to a human? Or of it unveiling its hidden secrets and treasures to a person? Ever wondered of souls interacting with a human body? Mine does!

I talk to the souls and life talks to me. Each time it leaves, sharing one of  its deepest secrets before me, my tiny body and wrecked heart, unable to bear the wrath of these realities, receives a panic attack! That’s what makes me a damaged OCD, living in the twilight of realit

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