Brujendrakumar Mahendrakumar Dohare

Brujendrakumar Mahendrakumar Dohare was born in Asadpur (Etawah), a small village in Uttarpradesh. In his early childhood, he was brought to Washim district of Maharashtra when his parents shifted there. He completed his education in Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya. Washim, while in class nine, he went to Dausa (Rajasthan) for a year under the Migration Policy of JNVs.Read More...


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An underprivileged boy gets elected into the Gurukul after a series of entrance tests. Surprisingly, this underprivileged boy is described as the most eligible candidate later in the story. He is eventually chosen as the ruler of Uttamdesh Kingdom.

What could have been the reasons for this unexpected turn of events despite the boy being underprivileged?

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