CJ Nanda

CJ Nandakumar is a Post Graduate and a research scholar in English, working in the educational sector as a teacher. This is his maiden venture in publishing his works as a book. He is a prolific writer of short stories and verses and many have been published in Woman’s Era and Alive magazines. He has won many accolades for his linguistic skill and originality. He received an appreciation certificate from NASA for successfully submitting a haiku poem on their launch of the Maven spacecraft to Mars. He also won the Stormy Petrel Award and Social Justice Armour’s Annual Best Poet&rsquRead More...


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Quiver Full of Quills

Books by CJ Nanda

The power of god is with you at all times; through the activities of mind, senses, breathing, and emotions; and is constantly doing all the works using you as a mere instrument.

A sovereign or subservient, there is a purpose for your existence. If you are struggling hard to make ends meet, utterly despondent, forlorn and bummed out this is the book that rejuvenates your spirit, and transforms you sprightly young, with upbeat mood and ha

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