David P Samuel

Dr. David P Samuel was born in a poor Christian family in 1954. He served in the Indian Railways for thirty nine and a half years. During the service, he devoted his time in leading an interdenominational fellowship for twenty-eight years and also did village ministry. He also took up higher studies and has been awarded Master of Divinity in 2004 and Doctor of Divinity in 2008. He is married to Mrs. Gracy David, and the couple have two daughters, Margrace David and Margirin David, who are both medical doctors.Read More...


Break the Curse

Books by David P Samuel

This book, Break the Curse: Find Your Path to a Blessed Life, reveals that billions of people around the world suffer miseries as they are driven by their hidden curses, irrespective of faith.

Find out how life is designed not merely on man’s plans but mainly by the forefathers with their good traits lest curse devour.

Sweet fruits are not produced by the tree, but ordered by the good seed, so man’s joy.

This book teac

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