Dr.Debasis Bhattacharyya

Dr. Debasis Bhattacharyya is a medical practitioner in Obstetrics & Gynaecology. Having done his MBBS from NilRatan Sircar Medical college & MD, from Calcutta National Medical college. He did his schooling from Flower Vale school in Chindwara district in MP. In school he had his tryst with Sanskrit. While in college, the call of Dakhineswar kali temple resulted in travels to Belur mutth of RK mission, where he was drawn to texts of Advaita Ashrama. In the quest of spirituality, there came association with Sri Sri Ravishankar ji of Art of Living, Sri Guru Sankaracharya Nischalanand Saraswati jiRead More...


Vedanta Suvarna Mala

Books by Dr. Debasis Bhattacharyya


A contemplation on various important aspects of Advaita Vedanta philosophy, in the tradition of Adi Shankaracharya.


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