Dilbur Parakh

Circa 1995. Dilbur Parakh, a young lawyer with the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) in Switzerland, made a bold decision. She decided to leave her secure job and a comfortable existence to embrace her true calling – serving the underserved back home in India. Dilbur’s journey from championing women’s rights during her years at SNDT Women’s University to her stint with the Union for Civil Liberty in Thailand and finally as Legal Officer for Asia and the Pacific at the ICJ, fuelled her passion for meaningful change at the grassroots level. Alongside her friends, Snehal ParanjapeRead More...



Books by Dilbur Parakh

“Your children have no fear, see how they fly. They will go far.”

This gripping book unveils the extraordinary journey of Aseema that began at a traffic signal in Bandra, Mumbai with a group of street-dwellers who wanted a different life for their children, and the woman who built Aseema - student by student, school by school. Twenty-five years, four schools, and 9000 children later, Aseema continues to change lives through education.

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