Duke Jeyaraj

Itinerant speaker and writer with G4 Mission, an Indian ministry to presentday people from 2006.
Itinerant speaker and writer with G4 Mission, an Indian ministry to presentday people from 2006.

Rev. Dr. Duke Jeyaraj, a SHUATS (Allahabad) Engineer turned SABC (Bangalore) M. Div. gold medallist (2001)-cum-Doctor of Ministry grad (2014), has preached by invitation in 20 Indian States and in a few other nations, having started out as a 16-year-old in 1991. The author’s book on sex, love, marriage, pornography, phone addiction, and more, Straight Talk, is seen as a respected, sought-for, no-beating-about-the-bush resource providing brutal-yet-biblical truth-takes, on these taboo topics.   Read More...


Hyper Biblical

Books by Duke Jeyaraj

Well, it is not simply enough to merely pray against hell-populating false teaching! 

We must do more! We must ‘contend for the faith once for all delivered for the saints’. We must open our mouths and uncork our pens to warn about ‘savage wolves which will come among you (the local church believers) not sparing the flock’. Spread virally, thanks to the social media, modern cultic false teachings such as (1) Hyper-Grace (‘No judgement for bel

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Hyper Biblical

Books by Duke Jeyaraj

Well, it is not simply enough to merely pray against hell-populating false teaching! 

We must do more! We must ‘contend for the faith once for all delivered for the saints’. We must open our mouths and uncork our pens to warn about ‘savage wolves which will come among you (the local church believers) not sparing the flock’. Spread virally, thanks to the social media, modern cultic false teachings such as (1) Hyper-Grace (‘No judgement for bel

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