Dushyant Das

Dushyant Das (DD), 46, an IIM Raipur alumnus. A teacher by profession and just another ordinary human being looking forward to meet more and more people and learn from their lives. As a writer, he is an older version but writing that gets published has just begun. He is a counsellor and a personality trainer for education industry for past two decades and is known for his parenting knowhow. He works with people who work for genuine education. He loves talking to people and ask for what he seeks as a learning. He loves to stay in his paternal tribal village as and when he is at leisure. He is nRead More...



Books by Dushyant Das

This book is not just a read. It’s my experiential learning from my life and my father. Writing this book was so very difficult and that too making it easier was tougher too. Writing this book while conversing with an octogenarian father who couldn't speak but whispered in broken voice was a real time experience. The book is about life which is yet to come to life. We miss several opportunities to beatify our lives and we usually get trapped into bizarre ent

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