Mohammad Farooqui

The author is an expert in mapping emerging scenario and has served as Vice President of Kodak, Asia Pacific service business. He has worked with two major MNCs like XEROX and Kodak for 27 years, and in the last 10 years he was as entrepreneur in building technologies. The author wants to share some hidden features in management of business, society and families. This is first attempt by any author to articulate relationship between our world and psychic world.Read More...


Emerging Scenario 2019 and beyond

Books by Mohammad Farooqui

Human genetic has changed and the new generation has started to rely more on the sixth sense and make decisions based on it—which was rare earlier

This book acknowledges the psychic world around us, and the new generation can sense it but can’t see it. This is the same way plants can sense us but can’t see us. This psychic world has a very high influence in the world and our life.

The brief book is an attempt to reveal how the intelligence

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