Dr Fatemeh Karami borzabad, Dr. C. Venkatesh, Dr. Vahid Karim Azad Marjani

Dr. Fatemeh Karami Borzabad  Fatemeh Karami Borzabad is a 30- year- old lady from Iran. She finished my Masters’ Degree from the University of Mysore in Physical education,Sports and Science and finished my Ph.D. (doctorate) in the same stream. She is a specialist in Pathology in sports injury. She has been writing this book for the past one year.Because she’s also a sports person, she knows how athletes enjoy long hours of sports and exercise. She hopes she can help them live a happy and healthy life.   Dr. C. Venkatesh Dr. C. Venkatesh has beenworking in Physical EducatRead More...


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Therapeutic Exercise for Sports Injuries

Books by Dr Fatemeh Karami Borzabad, Dr. C. Venkatesh, Dr. Vahid Karim Azad Marjani

Gaining health through exercise, as a practical directive is recommended to all. Meanwhile, there are people who suffer skeletal and muscular disorders. Several studies suggest that specific physical exercises can reduce both intensity and progress of these disorders, and even in some cases, it helps in complete cure. These are known as medical movements. This book includes chapters specifying special medical movements for organs and jo

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