GVG Mavoor

Brought up in a lower-middle class family, the author lived most of his childhood in a village in Kerala. Thereafter, he shifted to a small township where his father worked as a factory employee.   At school, he was the School leader as well as the House leader, a good sportsman and a prize-winning athlete, who also played football in district ‘A’ division League matches.   Interested in politics, he was the unit secretary and city committee member of a leftist student union, and was later elected as the Polytechnic Union Councilor, and Vice Chairman of the all Kerala PolRead More...


Fall of The Nation

Books by GVG Mavoor

A kaleidoscopic view of Indian society as seen by a lower middle class person through the years gone by, observing the changes, from a nascent independent nation with hopes to a nation propped up on unfounded claims of greatness to be attained.

A nation slowly slithering back into the future, unbothered and unnoticed by anyone!

The book begins with some simple incidents from the life of the author comically depicted and leads to more pertinent issu

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