Gauri Diwan Khare

Gauri Dewan Khare has been a teacher for the past 12 years out of which she has been teaching Economics for the past 9 years. She lives in Mumbai. She has a passion for teaching and loves the subject. She is inspired by the need for making the subject easy for the students and arousing interest for the subject in the minds of students.Read More...


Self Study Material for Economics

Books by Gauri Diwan Khare

This is a book that makes you pick it up for a simple and clutter free explanation of a new complex subject introduced for standard ninth and tenth. The Author seeks to walk on the path as a real teacher would i.e. mentoring, explaining, rationalising the information to support her students. This book is a handy guide of sorts to every school going student of economics and a solution bank for various complex problems related to theories, graphs. It seeks to pr

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