Gayathri AGP

The author has academic expertise in Mass Communication, having taught from 2001 in collegiate education. The author has guided a wide range of topics for postgraduate research scholars. The author has also researched on ‘Attitudinal Metamorphosis’ in understanding stardom and film audience in particular. The author has an interest in audience analysis (uses and gratification), reception analysis and the rhetoric. Films have always fascinated and she believes in its overt transformation. Email: agpgayathri@gmail.comRead More...


The Umbrella Girl


It's a creative writing in English, for children

These original writings include Short poetries and conversationsthat children will love to engage with fictious characters

They may also develop their creative skills reading

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Audience Reflection of Women Artiste in the Millennium: A Period Between 1990 and 2015 in Tamil Nadu

Books by Gayathri AGP

The growth of mass communication is a dual process – the development of an industry and the evaluation of an audience. It is important to understand who uses the medium and why they use it and with what perspective it is being used. The audio-visual medium is very powerful in reaching the masses. So it is the responsibility of the media to satisfy the needs of the people based on the changes that are taking place in the society.

Every message is g

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