Hind has worked with many big production companies in the film industry as a Screenplay Writer. He has compiled books based on true stories after seeing and feeling the oppressions on the daughters of the country. He made up his mind to spend all the Income from the sale of these books on the construction of English Medium School and University that would impart free, high quality education to the poor girls in village who, after getting educated, would bring glory to the country.   He, through his expertise, would launch Novel School and Novel University in his village. If other young meRead More...



Books by HIND

Bindiya and Nimmo are two poor and illiterate girls in a village. A pimp Jagan Babu brings them from their village to his state with the promise of marriage. For his monetary benefits, he keeps them as servants in his house until he gets a handsome amount by selling them.

Bindiya, a blooming flower, is a minor. For her, marriage means new clothes and jewelry to wear and good food to eat. She is married to a wrestler who is a drunkard – lecherous and ol

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