
Breathing the essence of Hindi and English literature, Hira Chettri has been an heir of those few writers who are known their pen portraits.  Living in the vicinity of the lower Himalayas, Hira Chettri has lived nature and read emotions at their very best which he believes in the fountain source of his imagination. Mr Chettri believes that whereas an artist creates, it is only the reader who gives the meaning and salvation to that creation.   Known not only for his poems but also for his prose Hira Chettri has rightfully earned the title of a mighty narrator in English as well as HiRead More...



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Time is a great equalizer. One cannot fathom what lies in its womb. What remains latent for ages eventually unfolds itself at the ripe moment. This age old wisdom finds its apt treatment in the present title. Boonden is an anthology which tries to decipher life and love when least dictated. The poems flow in a lucid current which sometimes touches the washed shores and at times explores the unexplored. Boonden is a pristine ode to love and li

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