Jan Erik Westh

Jan Westh is a Swedish pensioner academic. He has worked many years as a teacher in history and geopolitics, Now 83 years old. At 74 he started to write books in his subject and now has many of them. Moreover, he has produced ca; 60 articles published in Newsvoice, New Times, Nya Dagbladet Foreign Politics, Russia Insider, and Pravda. and are demanded by others. Old and a bit scared from aggressive media, he, in the beginning, used the Pseudonym; "Hans Myrebro".  Read More...



Books by Hans Myrebro

NATO, an Entity Set on Disaster" is an easy-read and well-documented description of NATO´s destructive and morbid activity over more than 70 years.  In March 2022 a USA Congressional Research Committee came out with a report that the USA which is the leading NATO country had from 1992 until now started and implemented 251 war and military interventions - almost 95% of all cases and death activity in the world during this time. This NATO-pattern Hans Myrebro

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