Janya Mehra

Janya Mehra is a high-school going student in the British School, New Delhi. She started writing poetry and practising theatre as an art at the same time. The poetry and theatre had interlaced to create a strong and alluring form of expression. Being a teenager, Janya has faced and observed vast experiences that acted as her muse to the themes of her lyrical poems. In a time period full of technology and twitter, Janya sought to express her opinions and her feelings in the form of literature. She is a young entrepreneur running a cycle business and aspires to study in one of the top colleges iRead More...


Phoenix of My Affection

Books by Janya Mehra

This book is a series of feelings, events and emotions personified into words and sentences. It explores the themes of love, betrayal, revenge, hurt, and forbidden feelings. Each theme is presented as a yin-yang; love would be about the purity in the feeling but also the dreadful pain it brings. Betrayal then embarks on the treachery and the lesson it taught us. Revenge unveils the cycle of agony but also how our emotions take control of our actions. Hurt para

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