Maya Sara Karthik

Maya Sara Karthik just turned ten and is so full of life. She is a voracious reader and loves the fantasy-fiction genre. She owns a blog where she pens her thoughts regularly. ([link removed]).    Inspired by her father’s bedtime stories with lots of magical characters,  Maya wrote this story of Pari and Kayal and their wonderful adventures. Besides reading and writing, Maya enjoys dancing, swimming, playing tennis, painting and spending time with her friends and family.Read More...


The Pari and Kayal Adventures

Books by Maya Sara Karthik

The loving sisters, Pari and Kayal, are unaware that they are going to embark on their first-ever adventure. They go camping with their parents to a beautiful campsite surrounded by a lush green forest. As they walk through the forest, they hear a lovely voice whistling softly. They immediately start following the voice but land in loads of trouble. Whose voice was it? How do they get out of trouble? Read on to find out.

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