Keisha Arora

Keisha Arora was born in New Delhi, India in 2004 and is currently pursuing Mechanical Engineering at the University of Alberta. She loves expressing her thoughts and feelings through creative pieces of writing as much as she loves Science and Innovation. Her voracious appetite for knowledge and exposure is fueled by her love for books and travelling. Passion Senora has been Keisha’s dream and vision for a long time. Having worked at a retail store during the making of this book, she unraveled great secrets of living a life of purpose, meaning and fulfillment. Working there gave her an insigRead More...


Passion Senora

Books by Keisha Arora

‘Gender Inequality’ and ‘Bias against Women’ have been coined as synonymous terms since time immemorial. However, very few realize that often, it is women themselves who unknowingly create it! This is an attempt to create a self-image of respect and reliance for women from a self-image of guilt and pity.
A beautifully designed fable that tells the extraordinary story of Isha, a passionate club dancer. Her small, impoverished town doesn’t stop her

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