Kerrie Phipps

Kerrie Phipps is widely known as an engaging international speaker, author and coach across fields such as education, thought-leadership and entrepreneurship. Kerrie’s message goes beyond cultural borders, tapping into a yearning that lies within each of us; the desire to connect with others and create a better world. Kerrie lives with her husband and son in regional Australia. Read More...


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DO talk to strangers

Books by Kerrie Phipps

In our fast-paced world of change, pressure

and social media expectations, we are losing the

ability to relate and connect with each other.

Kerrie Phipps solves this problem by demonstrating how to relate to strangers. Connecting with others is an essential ingredient for success in life and business. Meeting someone new could change the course of your life!

You’ll discover how to:

Easily and natural

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