Sunil Kumar

After the successful publication of two books, the author achieved a concept to write many other books in continuity. Since his second book was Everything Starts with Life, after 1 Master 99 Slaves, he decided to publish this book before he could publish Everything Ends with Law.   The author has always been striving to know and find the societies and institutions who have been spreading illusions for normal people. This eagerness cultivated a thought which led the books on societies and got idea for this book—The Creation of Everything!Read More...


Existence and Evolution of Everything

Books by Sunil Kumar

Have you ever been speechless when someone asked you, “Who came first, the hen or the egg? How big is the Universe? Have you seen God?”

Or, “Why do dogs bark in the night when the earthquake would just be going to strike?” Or, “If electrons are moving around the nucleus, like planets do in the universe?” and, so on...

 The list of such elusive questions may be numerous, but, if something is happening and observable to the human, then

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