Lavanya, Karan Ahuja

Lavanya and Karan Ahuja, both having their roots in the city of Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, graduated from the University of Delhi in the middle of a crazy pandemic, living their last year of college, which is considered to be the best at home. Growing up in open and warm households, they experienced stories of love and romance through the eyes of Bollywood, the heroes, the heroines and the villains, which inspired the idea of their first story, The (in)Finite Beauty of Forevers, a carefully curated tale of love. They currently reside in their hometown, spending time with their families and friendsRead More...


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The (in)Finite Beauty of Forevers

Books by Lavanya, Karan Ahuja

“I close my eyes to see her standing in front of me. The girl with a shy smile, Stuti Agarwal, the new student in our class. Hands clenched tightly on her books, she sat on the vacant bench in front of me. As cheesy as it sounds, I wanted time to stand still the moment she passed an awkward smile to me.

In all the ways she loved me back, I fell for her more with each passing day, until the one that changed it all.

I look outsid

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