Leena Adrushta

Writing has been Leena’s life-long passion. She thrives on hot chai and music. The mainstays of her journey are plants, paintings, and her precious tomes! Reading books on literature, mythology, and philosophy, finding new stories in everyday events and DIY projects are some of her interests. This book tells stories close to her heart. Stories that will make you laugh out loud on the road as well as stories that will make you stop and think! Some characters are real, others make one hope they aren’t real! All are original. She hopes you have as much fun reading these stories as it was pennRead More...


Khewat and Other Short Stories

Books by Leena Adrushta Ganti

Ordinary people lead extraordinary lives!

The author takes you through quaint streets, redolent with childhood memories. The sights and sounds are so familiar. The city-dwellers and the countrymen, all find their place in this melee.

Cities, villages and towns, you know, filled with people whom you may have met before.

Let's just cross over to the other bank on this boat. The boatman awaits.

Saipuram in Krishna district of Andhra Pr

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