Lov Pathak

Lov Pathak is an Indian writer and filmmaker living in Mumbai. Born and brought up in Lucknow, he imbibed culture and character in his personality through the prism of this old city. He moved to Noida to graduate in B.Tech like many of his peers, but his love for writing and filmmaking brought him to Mumbai. The journey of self-exploration began with intimate, alone sessions looking at the sea. The rocks at the beachside, the mountains when he travelled became his bodhi bench, and soon thoughts turned fluid. He wrote film scripts, stories but unfortunately, only a few materialized. In the baRead More...


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The Poetician

Books by Lov Pathak

I am you; you are me. We both are in this book. 

If you hold a bachelor degree in common sense and satire is your first language, you will enjoy the read.

The Poetician is a cheeky, colloquial, social, in the face satire about the lives we live in contemporary times. Every poetry is a story; unification of past with present and amalgamation of a skeptical future. 

The title ‘Practical vs Theory’ makes you realize what a fool t

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