Mahesh Hangal

Mahesh Hangal, ever since he can remember considers himself a ‘professional spiritual seeker’. His search for ‘the peace that surpasseth all understanding’ took him to Osho, U G krishnamurti & many many others. He is extremely well read. He is more than conversant with Zen, Tao, Advaita and other spiritual stuff. He has dabbled in reiki, trancedental meditation, E.F.T & other self-help techniques/ therapies/meditations. His seeking finally ended when he met the advaitic sage Shri Ramesh Balsekar. Reading Wayne Liquorman [disciple of Ramesh Balsekar & an advaitic sage himself] further gRead More...


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Books by Mahesh Hangal

The human being has always been anxious to know the meaning of life, to realize his true nature and attain, the ultimate possible fulfillment!

The musings herein may perhaps trigger a process that might finally culminate, in what the human heart has always longed for – peace and harmony. The least they will do is help develop insights beyond ordinary perceptions. They could even be read just for entertainment or can simply be flipped through...

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Books by Mahesh Hangal

The human being has always been anxious to know the meaning of life, to realize his true nature and attain, the ultimate possible fulfillment!

The musings herein may perhaps trigger a process that might finally culminate, in what the human heart has always longed for – peace and harmony. The least they will do is help develop insights beyond ordinary perceptions. They could even be read just for entertainment or can simply be flipped through...

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लो फिर है सामने दीवार कोई

Books by महेश हंगल

तुम से आता नहीं जुदा होना

हम को आता नहीं ख़ुदा होना


तंज़ करती है रोज़ तन्हाई

हो ना पाई तुम्हारी भरपाई


रौशनी के असीर हो अब तुम

कोई सूरत नहीं रिहाई की


दिन उम्

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Books by महेश हानगल

जीवनाचा अर्थ काय? या प्रश्नाच्या शोधात माणूस सतत धडपडत राहिला आहे. त्याचा मूळ स्वभाव कोणता आणि जीवनाचे सार्थक कशात आहे, याच्या शोधात मानवजात अविरत धडपडत आहे. 

         ‘Scribblings’ या

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