Meenakshi Mehta

With an incredible 24+ years of dedication to her craft, Meenakshi is not just a professional; she's a storyteller, a dream weaver, and a master of the fine details. Meenakshi's journey has been a labor of love across diverse landscapes, from Wellness to Channel Marketing, Experiential Training, and Education. Her heart beats to the rhythm of MarCom consulting, and she's been the creative genius behind awe-inspiring marketing campaigns and unforgettable experiential events. But there's more to Meenakshi than her professional prowess. She's been a painter since the tender age of 8, and her passRead More...


C for Courage

Books by Meenakshi Mehta

Imagine being a young woman when cancer knocks on your door, threatening to steal your dreams. Meenakshi's story is one of fierce battles and triumphant victories, but it's also about the tears shed, the laughter shared, and the quiet moments of reflection that define a life fully lived. Within these pages, you'll witness her transformation from a shy, young girl to a warrior who discovered her inner strength when it mattered most. Meenakshi's journey is a rem

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