Nakul Chaturvedi

Author | Marketeer
Author | Marketeer

Nakul Chaturvedi was born on 9th April, 1985, in a loving Hindu family, with no “by-birth” defects (except for enormous body hair) and pounds of entitlements. All defects of his personality, as the author claims proudly, he acquired with infinite hard work. He feels fortunate enough to belong to a family that had an inspiring grandfather and a loving grandmother and has mediocrely hardworking parents, a supportive and authoritative younger sibling, a truly caring wife (the author swears on it), and a persistently demanding daughter. Now, what actually helps the author pay his bills (becausRead More...


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The Colony Of Merchants

Books by Nakul Chaturvedi

While we are taking a step closer to the unfathomable reality every day, this book, on the contrary, takes you to the early decades of 20th-century India, to a town named “The Colony of Merchants.” It is neither a historical saga nor is it time travel. This book is all about not weird people being judged by the weird people for being weird. 

It is about people you can’t forget. Not because they are charming or inspiring or unique or weird. Becaus

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