Neil Mohan Sehgal

Neil, born in the picturesque town of Ramnagar Uttarakhand, completed his graduation from Birla Institute (Noida) in Animation and multimedia and is now working as a professional video editor at one of India's leading news channels. From an early age, Neil was drawn to the enchanting world of stories and captivated by the magic of storytelling. As he grew, his unique perspective on life led him to craft intricate narratives out of everyday situations, fuelling his passion for storytelling. Recently, Neil's voracious appetite for literature has led him to dive deeper into the world of books, igRead More...


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Life With Lemon - Tales and Legends

Books by Neil Mohan Sehgal

Embark on a whimsical adventure through the pages of ‘Life with Lemon - Tales and Legends.’ Meet the mysterious Many-Headed Monster, a girl entwined with death, and an unborn oracle. From the curious tale of a 'snoring wife' to the chilling encounters with spiders and leopards in the jungles of Kumaon, reality merges seamlessly with dreams in this captivating collection. Childhood Romance, Old age fear, and the relentless march of time echo through Neil's

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