Nishtha Dubey

Nishtha Dubey was born in Sitapur, India and is currently pursuing her graduation from Delhi University. Nishtha is just nineteen and lives in New Delhi. She loves travelling and writing in her free time. Her madness reaches to its next level when it comes to Punjabi beats. She was always inclined towards diary writing and one day she came up with an idea of writing her first novel. The best way to contact her is her personal blog on Facebook: Nishtha Dubey  Instagram: nishthadubey1996.Read More...


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But love remains forever

Books by Nishtha Dubey

Love is such a confusing emotion that no one has been able to give an accurate definition for love so far. And the fact that it can happen to anyone and anytime, makes it all the more interesting.

Trisha, a seventeen year old carefree girl and Zubair, a nineteen year old boy filled with energy cross paths unexpectedly. A series of events lead them to fall in love. But then the most unexpected incident happen in their lives and everything starts falling a

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