Oagile Bethuel Key Dingake

Hon. Professor Justice Dingake is a judge of the Supreme and National Courts of Papua New Guinea. He is also a judge of the Residual Special Court of Sierra Leone (RSCSL) appointed by the Secretary General of the United Nations in 2013. Judge Dingake is a former judge of the High Court of Botswana. He holds an LLM Degree from the University of London and a Ph.D. from the University of Cape Town. He is a Professor of Law at the University of Cape Town and James Cook University in Australia. He is the current President of the Africa Judges Forum on HIV/TB, Human Rights, and the Law, convened by Read More...


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Magistrates' Bench Book of Botswana

Books by Oagile Bethuel Key Dingake

This bench book is intended as a quick reference book for Magistrates in Botswana. It discusses general principles of law relevant to the work of Magistrates in Botswana. It covers wide ranging topics relevant to the work of Magistrates such as: judicial independence, impartiality, jurisdiction,  judicial case management,  the legal system, conduct of court matters, key concepts of the law of evidence, fact finding and court hearings.The book is rich with cr

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Books by Oagile Bethuel Key Dingake

This book discusses the law related to unfair dismissal in Botswana. It makes it clear that an employer is not free to dismiss an employee whenever they feel like doing it. The law requires that an employee may only be dismissed for a valid reason, and even then a fair procedure must be followed. It follows from the above that a dismissal would be unfair if there is no valid reason or fair procedure or both. The principle of ‘fairness’ is unique to labour

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Towards a People's Constitution for Botswana

Books by Oagile Bethuel Key Dingake

Towards a People’s Constitution for Botswana proposes a transformative constitution for Botswana; a constitution that will have in its new bill of rights not only civil and political rights but socio-economic and cultural rights too. A constitution that will enhance the independence of Parliament and the Judiciary amongst other pillars of democracy.

In this book, Judge Dingake acknowledges that although Botswana’s first constitution has serv

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In Pursuit of Justice

Books by Oagile Bethuel Key Dingake

This book discusses the intersection of philosophy, politics and law and how judges’ ideological outlook may influence the decision of the court. The author teases out the underlying influences that drive judges to decide matters in a particular way, especially in highly-contentious legal questions that have far-reaching national consequences, such as in cases of abortion, euthanasia and same-sex marriage. The book interrogates, in the most thought-provo

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Books by Oagile Bethuel Key Dingake

This book primarily covers legal professional ethics and court etiquette relevant to the duty of a lawyer in the major legal systems of the world. It emphasizes the point that lawyers must not only practice their craft with absolute integrity but should also be well behaved and civil to each other, the courts and other court users.

Lawyers are first and foremost officers of the court; it is their duty to assist the court come to a proper and just determ

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Books by Oagile Bethuel Key Dingake

This book discusses the work of judges, highlighting judicial values that are essential for earning and retaining public confidence in the judiciary. These values include independence, impartiality, integrity, propriety, equality, competence and diligence. These core values, commonly referred to as ‘Bangalore Principles of Judicial Conduct’ were agreed upon by the Judicial Integrity Group in Bangalore, India, in February 2001. In 2003, the United N

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