P. K. Kurien

The author P.K. Kurien is a senior journalist, having worked with various reputed English newspapers. He retired as Deputy Editor and News Editor of The Hindu in Hyderabad. Before that he had worked for The Tribune, Chandigarh, under the guidance of veteran Editor Prem Bhatia. He feels that working under an outstanding and quality-conscious editor like Mr Bhatia had helped him sharpen his skills of journalism and writing. During his 40-year journalistic career he was associated with several publications. For some time, he worked for Patriot, New Delhi, before joining The Tribune. He used to wrRead More...


Syrian Christians of Hyderabad

Books by P. K. Kurien

Syrian Christians are perhaps the oldest Indian Christians as their  origin dates back to 52 A.D. when St. Thomas, a disciple of Christ, came to Kerala and established Christianity.

The arrival of Syrian Christians of different denominations from Kerala to Hyderabad in the 1930 and 1940s and their struggle to establish their own places of worship are described. The difficulties undergone by them in the process and their sacrifices for the sake of relig

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