Capt. Praveen Chopra

A senior corporate executive and a  former Armoured Corps officer of the Indian Army, Capt. Praveen Chopra is an accomplished naturalist and a practicing ornithologist for over four decades. A freelance writer, he has written extensively on nature and conservation. He is also a consultant for educational institutions and NGOs in the field of conservation and is a regular contributor on various forums that support nature and conservation projects.    Read More...


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Vishnu’s Mount

Books by Capt. Praveen Chopra

Do you know how the mythical bird Garuda became Vishnu’s Mount?

What does a serpent coiled around a peacock signify?

Which bird in the hands of Mohini represents carnal love?

Have you ever wondered about the significance of the birds you see with gods and goddesses when you regularly prostrate and pray before them?

Vishnu’s Mountunravels the world of birds in Hindu mythology and their significant roles in nature. It is a co

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Capt. Praveen Chopra's Author Page - Notion Press | India's largest book publisher

Capt. Praveen Chopra

A senior corporate executive and a  former Armoured Corps officer of the Indian Army, Capt. Praveen Chopra is an accomplished naturalist and a practicing ornithologist for over four decades. A freelance writer, he has written extensively on nature and conservation. He is also a consultant for educational institutions and NGOs in the field of conservation and is a regular contributor on various forums that support nature and conservation projects.    Read More...


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Vishnu’s Mount

Books by Capt. Praveen Chopra

Do you know how the mythical bird Garuda became Vishnu’s Mount?

What does a serpent coiled around a peacock signify?

Which bird in the hands of Mohini represents carnal love?

Have you ever wondered about the significance of the birds you see with gods and goddesses when you regularly prostrate and pray before them?

Vishnu’s Mountunravels the world of birds in Hindu mythology and their significant roles in nature. It is a co

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