Praveen Prabhakar


Praveen Prabhakar is a retired faculty of Economics. Born in a small town of Jharkhand, his inclination for philosophy was from the very beginning. He started following Osho Rajnish in his college days and some of his speeches changed his life. He enjoyed reading Osho's books and listening to his audios. Consequently, his inner-self aroused some of his emotions in forms of poetry. From his college days itself, he wrote many philosophical Hindi poems which were well appreciated by his colleagues and friends alike. These accolades gave him the courage to write some more poems which are compiled Read More...


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Books by प्रवीण प्रभाकर

मेरे प्रिये ओशो! आपके दर्शन ने मुझे अध्यात्म की झलक दिलाई। भीड़-भाड़ से अलग हो कर अपनी ज़िन्दगी को थोड़ा रूपांतरित कर सका हूँ तो ये आपका आशीर्वाद है। इस काव्य संकलन की कुछ सारी कविताय

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