Priyanka Karma

Priyanka was born and raised in Ajmer, it's a small town surrounded by Aravalli mountains in Rajasthan. she is a poet, writer and a solo traveler. The Anatomy of a Wildflower is her first book of poems, based on experiences and learnings in life. It is a collection based on survival categorised into sections of seasons - as an ode to nature. Each season serves a phase of learning in life. The sections explore love, loss, insanity, healing, growth and evolving in life.Read More...


The Anatomy of a Wildflower

Books by Priyanka Karma

I’ve bled all the feelings in this small book of emotions,

In the form of poetry.

I hope you feel it.

I hope you sit with it and face what hurts today.

I hope you smile.

I hope you never give up on life.

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