
Raj has been in love with writing since 14 years of age, and he found his second love in human behaviour, which became his calling as a neuropsychologist. Currently based in India, he spends his days reading, trying every kind of art that the world has to offer, and researching social behaviour, transformative justice, and obscure facts about this world. This is Raj’s first book on his lifelong quest to bring out the grotesque in all its rawness. If you wish to know more about him, you can only find out by reading this collection of poems. And if you're mildly concerned…, you should be. BoRead More...


and god created sickness, his lover

Books by Raj Dey

“If God is willing to vanquish evil, but isn't able to, then he is not omnipotent. If God is able to vanquish evil, but isn't willing to, then he is malevolent. If he is both willing and able, then whereth cometh evil? And if he is neither willing nor able, why call him God?” 


For all of us who grew up with religious panic that slowly eroded our faiths in an all-powerful entity in the sky, we learnt to place our religion in someth

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