Ranjan Sharma

Introducing Ranjan Sharma, a remarkable individual who wears multiple hats with finesse. As a social activist and seasoned professional in the corporate world, he brings a wealth of experience to the table. Known for his unwavering conviction and fighting spirit, Ranjan is a force to be reckoned with. His literary prowess shines through in his debut book, captivating readers with his thought-provoking ideas. A graduate from the prestigious St. John's College in Agra, his deep-rooted interests lie in the realms of environmentalism and humanity.Read More...



Books by रंजन शर्मा

आप अपनी जिन्‍दगी से खुश हैं या ना खुश या मिक्‍स, यानी कुछ खुश कुछ ना खुश। 

इसके लिये आपको अपने अन्‍दर झांकना होगा।

कई काम ऐसे हैं जिनमें आप सफल हुए, कुछ में नहीं। क्‍या सिर्फ भ

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