Sameer Panwar

Sameer Panwar was born on 19th February 1998 in the town of Mussoorie, Uttarakhand, to Dr. Sunil Panwar and Mrs. Purnima Panwar. He has done his schooling at St. George’s College, Mussoorie. He is a keen reader, quizzer and also has a strong penchant for badminton. He has authored a poetry collection titled Surge and Minstrel. He has a great love for the English language and hopes to present to the world an exotic blend of words with the magical spice we call human emotions. He hopes people who read his poems will get inspired to express themselves through their poetry.Read More...


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Stella Versum

Books by Sameer Panwar

Stella Versum is a collection of symbolic poems which aims to resonate with the mind of the reader through the verses of love and compassion.Stella Versum is a Latin word which translates to Story of the stars in English. The book is divided into six parts, each part is freckled with symbols and subtle imagery which carry forward the baton of moral values and intellectual ideas.There is a universe within us which requires introspection and reflection. Passion

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Ringing Ripples

Books by Sameer Panwar

Ringing Ripples is a collection of symbolic poems which meticulously describe emotions, objects from nearby surroundings and the beauty of mother nature. The multi-genre themes of the poem aim to create a gamut of intellectual ideas and thoughts which can help the readers to convert their drops of effort to an ocean of wisdom, thus triggering a reaction of altruism. The author has used subtle imagery, symbols as well as hidden messages for the readers to find

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