Samrat Mukerji

Born in November 1976 in the state of West Bengal, Samrat grew up reading the poems and writing of great authors and contemporary poets of his time. It was during the school days when he was deeply influenced by some of his teachers who stirred a passion for poetry in him. Besides he owes a lot to his grandmother, mother who would foster and cherish an innate love for poem, poetical composition which the author perhaps eventually imbibed. When graduating from Jaipuria College the author tried his hand in creative writing for some days and it went unabated while doing law from a premier instituRead More...


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Books by Samrat Mukherji

An enigmatic interplay of words and emotion with Mystic fervour imbue the poems. The author writes swinging between dreams and shadow, death and decay and hopes and despair and dwells on life, love woe, sufferings, loneliness and compelling human existence. The poetries are pulsating with the elisionof a myriad unsaid feeling of joy and pathos of our life and the poet etched in the void of silence an eloquent picture of words that resonates through readers min

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