Saurabh Dwivedi

A student of Marine Engineering at Tolani Maritime Institute, Saurabh Dwivedi ventured into the world of Parinda during his first year of college. His love for nature made him think about the concepts within these poems. He wants to depict a clear picture to everyone who wishes to know the world closely and utilise their full potential towards our nation. He hopes that people will not get distracted by the superfluous things in life and walk together hand in hand on the path to success. You can send him your feedback at  Read More...


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Parinda is a collection of poems written from the point of view of Parinda - a messenger of God. He comes to Earth to spread the word of God but gets swayed from his path in this mysterious world. His observations of various things including love have been penned marvellously. This book will take you on an emotional journey through - love, failure and motivation. In this busy life, when was the last time you took the time to look within yourself? So, make an a

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