Dr. Shashikant Kalsulkar

Dr. Shashikant Kalsulkar is a medical doctor, consultant Obsterician and Gynecologist, sexual medicine specialist, Clinical Hypnotherapist and a trainer of Nonverbal Hypnotherapy. His passion for Hypnosis developed during his work as a Gynaecologist for over 40 years of experience working in three continents: Asia, Africa, and Europe.Read More...


Hypnosis Without Words

Books by Dr. Shashikant Kalsulkar

Using nonverbal cues and magnetic eyes, magnetic breathing and magnetic energy, you can bypass the client's conscious mind and access their subconscious mind. In a very short time, you can induce a hypnotic trance compared to modern verbal Hypnosis.

In nonverbal Hypnotherapy, the client does not have to describe his problem in detail and does not have to give the price of his private life. Even the solution to his problem, he gains himself from his subc

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