Shillpa Kambli

Children book, Story books, Handwriting Improvement Teacher, Calligraphy, Graphologist.
Children book, Story books, Handwriting Improvement Teacher, Calligraphy, Graphologist.

Hello there! It's a pleasure to meet you. Allow me to introduce myself: I am an accomplished author of children's story books, passionate about sparking the imagination and creativity of young minds through captivating tales and colorful characters. In addition to being an author, I am also a dedicated handwriting improvement teacher. I take joy in helping students refine their penmanship skills and develop a love for the art of writing. Furthermore, I am an adept calligraphy teacher, skilled in the graceful art of decorative writing. I find immense satisfaction in teaching others how to creatRead More...


Blooming into Womanhood

Books by Shillpa Kambli

In "Empowered Cycles," we embark on an insightful journey that sheds light on the often-taboo topic of menstruation. This comprehensive guide not only explores the physiological aspects of the menstrual cycle but also delves into the profound impact it has on a woman's overall well-being and empowerment.
Chapter 1: Understanding Menstruation and Self-Care. 
In Chapter 2 we discuss menstrual health and hormonal balance. 
Chapter 3 covers how menstrua

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