Shishir Madhukar

Shishir Madhukar शिशिर मधुकर (पूरा नाम : डा० शिशिर कुमार गोयल) का जन्म उत्तर प्रदेश के हापुड़ में हुआ। मेरठ विश्वविद्यालय से भौतिक शास्त्र में परास्नातक करने के उपरान्त आपने काशी हिन्दू विश्वविद्यालय से इसी विषय में  पी ० एच ० डी ० की उपाधि प्Read More...


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मैं चांदनी ढूंढता हूं

Books by शिशिर मधुकर

जिंदगी चल रही थी, चल रही है और चलती रहेगी। समस्याएं कल भी थीं, आज भी हैं और कल भी रहेंगी। भावनात्मक कशमकश कल भी थी, आज भी है और कल भी रहेगी। जब तक ये कशमकश रहेगी विभिन्न स्रोतों से अमृ

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कैसे कहूं बता ?

Books by शिशिर मधुकर

इंसान ने आपस में विचारों के आदान प्रदान के लिए कई भाषाओं का निरंतर विकास किया है जिनके द्वारा वह अक्सर अपने मन विचारों और भावनाओं का सम्प्रेषण और संग्रहण भी करता है। एक सी भावनाओ

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A person faces different situations and meets several kinds of people during his entire life time. Some cast great influence on him and shape his personality and behavior for the rest of the life. He never forgets events of such periods and passionately keeps their memories close to his heart. “Nishaniyan” is a unique collection of various love and heart break memories of a human poetic heart at such a stage in life mainly in ghazal style which will be of

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Rooh Ke Ehsaas

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Numerous thoughts are generated in the minds of human beings every moment. While some of these thoughts can provide one with happiness, there are still others that may hurt very deeply. Their constructive channelization in the form of words, however, always provides a source of satisfaction and happiness to many. Rooh Ke Ehsaas is a unique collection of the various emotional thoughts of Shishir Madhukar, mainly in muktak style where re

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Yadon Ke Nasoor

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Love and heartbreak are most often the real motivations behind the creation of several legendary artistic works and poetry and anything that evolves from such feelings can also at times work as a medicine for the human soul. Yadon Ke Nasoor is a collection of more than hundred such Hindi poems of Shishir Madhukar. Featuring genuine gems of poetry that will strike a chord with anyone and everyone, the author has tried to remain close to his most real

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