Sudhir Alva

Sudhir Alva is a Mechanical Engineer by Education, a finance specialist by training and work experience in a nationalized Bank. He later quit his job to pursue a career as an industrial consultant and Asset Valuer. One thing that was common through his professional life was his yen for writing, which he discovered when he was a student at Manipal Engineering College. He was urgently required to write captions for the college magazine. He wrote 30 captions in one hour and they were well received. He kept on with writing, for his close circle of friends. Somewhere along the way, he got into wrRead More...


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A Century and a Score

Books by Sudhir Alva

“There was this girl who went to Sun City, bright as sunshine, graceful and witty.”

That was the first line of the Author’s poem on Aishwarya Rai, Miss World 1994 that won him the first prize in a Times Of India Contest.

This was soon followed by two more poems that were published in the Times of India, one on the match-fixing controversy and the other about Diana’s ‘death in a car crash’

These three convinced the writer that h

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