Suvarna Harish

Born and raised in Maharashtra, Suvarna now resides in Goa. She is a double graduate who was always inclined towards arts. As a doting mother and a dedicated homemaker, she found her passion for writing only in her 40’s and decided to give it a shot. She writes in Hindi, English and Marathi. This is her debut novel which is inspired by what she saw women facing in society and what she feels it should be like in a progressive society.Read More...


The Secret Will Of Love

Books by Suvarna Harish

The language used in the book is very simple as the author wants everyone to join Akki in her journey.

The book highlights the need for social and emotional security for a woman along with financial security, after her husband, through the journey of  Akki. The story is about the unconditional and non-judgmental nature of friendship. At the same time, it also speaks about how love is not just caring about the wellbeing of the beloved when you&rsquo

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