Tamoghna Saha

I am Tamoghna Saha, and I am an assistant professor at the Government General Degree College at Pedong, West Bengal. I have been in the job since November, 2015. While studying and trying to finish my thesis, I discovered new dimensions of knowledge. The beauty of Pedong had been a boon while the power cuts and poor internet had been a bane. Although the infrastructure and lack in instrumentation had kept the research works stale, it had nonetheless been a place to rediscover myself with this fiction-non-fiction genre.Read More...


Echo: The beginning

Books by Tamoghna Saha

When Rik found an interesting story was awaiting them in the mountains deep inside North Bengal, little did he know how adventurous that was going to become. Teaming up with his ‘mentor’ Dr. Shome led them to a cave near the embankments of the river the locals used to call Rangpo Chhu. The story revolves around the hidden science and lost love of those entangled in events revolving around their own parallelism. One versus all – a story of manipulation, m

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