Valarie John

Our Titanic World

By Valarie John in General Literary | Reads: 335 | Likes: 0

Jabez lumbered wordlessly under the ebbing moon.           Dusky haze consumed the heavens, lunged down and swept even the earth into its emaciated gut. He was surrounded. To his left and right were two connected rows of identical houses and houses-cum-s  Read More...

Published on Sep 13,2017 08:38 PM

Blood Crumbs

By Valarie John in Fantasy | Reads: 5,937 | Likes: 0

Crumbs the mouse looked into the mirror and shuddered. Though it had been days, thick, flaking blood still matted the fur across half his face, and his ear on that side was gone. Contrasted with his white fur, it looked as though he was wearing half a mask, as if he were a dancer in a masquerade. Ye  Read More...

Published on Sep 13,2017 09:26 AM

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