Varunika Davuluri

Varunika Davuluri is an aspiring young author who enjoys whimsical and fantastical stories. She loves reading books, listening to the rain, and eating copious amounts of chocolate. Growing up reading books about magic and adventure, she loves bringing those qualities into her real life. She lives for exciting and thrilling experiences, and likes to consider herself a daredevil. After moving across the world to India, Varunika is currently in high school and is intent on pursuing medicine, and exploring the field of oncology.Read More...


The Gilded Lion

Books by Varunika Davuluri

She could’ve waited to do her work tomorrow. She could’ve come back earlier. She could’ve taken a different road. She could’ve left the music as it was. She could’ve waited a second longer to step on the gas. She could’ve… Nothing. There was nothing she could’ve done. Because it had already happened.

It took Levka Keyton far too long to understand this concept. It took her 27 years, 10 months and a life changing accident to be exact. Nei

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